Friday, November 2, 2007

Ladies & Gentlemen, Diana Ross & the Supremes

OK, now that the title got your attention, here's a goofy thing I came up with the other day while on the StairMaster (20 minutes of intense interval at level 6). I was listening to WCBS FM (Oldies 101.1) - spare me the old jokes - when I heard "You can't hurry love" and it got me to thinking. I glanced over at my sweaty image in the mirror and thought, hmmmm - you can't hurry fat loss either. We don't get fat overnight, so why do we think we can get skinny overnight and then throw in the towel when we don't (or can't)?

So I Googled the lyrics and then did a find & replace. I replaced every instance of "love" with "fat loss" & here is what I came up with (sorry if it runs on long):

I need fat loss, fat loss
To ease my mind
I need to find, find someone to call mine
But mama said

You cant hurry fat loss
No, you just have to wait
She said fat loss don't come easy
Its a game of give and take

You cant hurry fat loss
No, you just have to wait
You got to trust, give it time
No matter how long it takes

But how many heartaches
Must I stand before I find a fat loss
To let me live again
Right now the only thing
That keeps me hanging on
When I feel my strength, yeah
Its almost gone
I remember mama said:

You cant hurry fat loss
No, you just have to wait
She said fat loss don't come easy
Its a game of give and take

How long must I wait
How much more can I take
Before loneliness will cause my heart
Heart to break?

No I cant bear to live my life alone
I grow impatient for a fat loss to call my own
But when I feel that i, I cant go on
These precious words keeps me hanging on
I remember mama said:

You cant hurry fat loss
No, you just have to wait
She said fat loss don't come easy
Its a game of give and take

You cant hurry fat loss
No, you just have to wait
She said trust, give it time
No matter how long it takes

No, fat loss, fat loss, don't come easy
But I keep on waiting
Anticipating for that soft voice
To talk to me at night
For some tender arms
To hold me tight
I keep waiting
I keep on waiting
But it ain't easy
It ain't easy
But mama said:

You cant hurry fat loss
No, you just have to wait
She said to trust, give it time
No matter how long it takes

You cant hurry fat loss
No, you just have to wait
She said fat loss don't come easy
Its a game of give and take

No I have not gone off the deep end. On the contrary I have made a new association to an old Motown classic that I will never listen to the same way again. I'll think of FAT, the coalition and the beginning of my journey every time I hear Diana (or Phil Collins) sing this song.

And for those of you who have read this in it's entirety, you are now rewarded with my latest picture (11/1 at 5:30 am). Holy sh*t. This plan actually works. I discarded 2 inches from my waist and I will soon be out of the 40" waist club. Hot damn! There was no change in the scale weight, but it's not like I care since the proof is in the pictures.


  1. Love the post. That song has been changed forever in my mind. This here is so true couldnt have said it better if I tried:

    "You cant hurry fat loss
    No, you just have to wait
    She said to TRUST, GIVE IT TIME

    You cant hurry fat loss
    No, you just have to wait

    So true and appropriate - I might have to post that as a reminder somewhere on my blog.

    SWWWWWeat(!) on your 2 inches being eternally gone. I love your attitude about the scale, the truth is in the pics for sure. Youre getting it done!

  2. LOL, I love your song :) Great job on the 2 inches, the pictures truly show it!

  3. Holy crap - those pictures are based on only 7 pounds? That's awesome, man.

    And you're right about the song - so many things I hear on the Ipod remind me of weight loss.

    Opening lyrics of Eminem's "Lose Yourself" -

    "Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity - To seize everything you ever wanted in One moment - would you capture it or just let it slip?"

    This is our one opportunity. Capture it.

  4. Love the song, Gene. It's great, because after almost seven months of doing this, it helps me find a new way to look at the same old thing. And good job on the waist loss. To hell with the scale if the fat is going bye-bye.

  5. Like they say pictures speak for themselves. Looks like you have made big improvements. Your body composition must really be changing for the better.

  6. It's been an intense 2+ weeks for sure. I have to attribute a lot of the success to 12/14 days of clean eating. Plus, tabatas are the ticket for fat loss, at least for me anyway.

  7. Already such an improvement!! Those pictures are truly inspirational. They make me want to work that much harder! Keep up the great work Gene.

  8. Damn, boy! Those pics are amazing. Great job!!
